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M38A1 project (1953?)

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Joined: Mar 26, 2019
Posts: 4

PostPosted: Wed Mar 27, 2019 1:06 am    Post subject: M38A1 project (1953?) Reply with quote

My old neighbors growing up had this jeep in the garage. After her husband passed away she wanted to know if I wanted it. As long as I can remember it hasn't ran in over 25 years and sat in a garage for the past 23. Unfortunately they rented out their old house and had to take the jeep out of the garage and put it outside. Looks like a little bit of rust damage to the back of it but nothing too major. They also got a Buick V6 put in it, guessing the dauntless? Either way I accepted the challenge and my dad drove from Texas back to California to pick it up.

A little overwhelmed as the elements have done a little damage to it the past couple years. Current plan is to start removing parts, power wash and blow out the debris on the inside of the tub. Want to remove the body to get it to a body shop to start fixing any rust issues and get it repainted. Currently thinking a flat desert tan and powder coating the wheels black along with the rollbar and cage on the back.

Not sure where to even start with the engine and transmission but figure I can change out the shocks on the jeep and the rest of the suspension should be fine. Not really worried about spending too much money on it since it was free and we will use it as the kids first car in about 5 years.

Any advice on where to start?
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 27, 2019 8:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yep, that appears to be a 225CID Dauntless V6. That motor is a match made in heaven for Jeeps. Only thing to be aware of is it is what they call an odd-fire engine, meaning that the firing of te spark plugs is not uniform. The distributor does this with a unique pattern to the lobes on the distributor shaft. You just need to be paying attention if you take the distributor out, that you get it back in per the manual.

Otherwise have fun!!!
'52 Dodge M37, '42 GPW, '48 FrankenJeep CJ2A/M38, '50 CJV-35(U), '51 M38, '42 WC-57 Command Car, '44 WC-51 Weapons , (2) M1941 Sperry 60" Anti-Aircraft Searchlights, John Deere M-gator, '44 White M3A1 Scout Car
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 27, 2019 12:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You have a very nice combination of M38A1 and V-6 Dauntless. Let us know which transmission and transfer case you are using.

The engine came to life in 1961 and was first used as a 198 CI engine in the Buick mid-size line in 1962. Buick sold the engine tooling and rights to Kaiser Jeep in 1967. Kaiser added a heavier flywheel to dampen the vibrations from the Odd Fire timing set up. The distributor looks very normal inside with a regular 6 pointed cam for the points. The vibration issue came from the pistons pairing on crank throws. Not a big deal, just yields a slightly rough feel at idle. You can always upgrade to an even fire version which solved the vibration issue with offset crank throws for each piston. In 1973 GM bought the engine back from Kaiser then AMC and modified the crank with the offset throws to smooth the engine out. That engine was produced thru 2009.

I have a 67 CJ5 V-6 frame I am building one of these days and a 60 & 68 CJ5 projects to use it with. I have two Dauntless 225's in my shed. I planned on putting a T98 4spd behind it.

Do a little internet search for old Petersen Books on the Buick/Kaiser Jeep V-6 engine. Also pick up the SM 1046 factory jeep service manual which has good V-6 section.

Just a reminder this Forum is for keeping folks abreast of your progress on your project. If you have a technical question please post it on the Technical Board. We look forward to your continued reports here!
Wes K
45 MB, 51 M38, 54 M37, 66 M101A1, 60 CJ5, 76 DJ5D, 47Bantam T3-C & 5? M100

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Joined: Mar 26, 2019
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 9:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Worked on getting some of the body off. Plan is to store body stuff in my dads extra garage and get the frame over to my house to get the engine and transmission out:

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 10:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

This is the reply I posted to your question on the tech page:

Question is pull the motor completely and try to rebuild it with youtube and a screwdriver or leave it in and try to bring it back to life first?

If the jeep is reasonably capable of being quickly made streetable that is always the direction I prefer. There will always be the little irritants later after a complete restoration that make you wish you had established the overall driveability of the jeep before you tore it down. Even it you are limited to off road only for a month or so you will still get a very good feel for what may not be right and need extra attention during the restoration.

The 225 V6 was a very nice addition to the jeeps of that period. It was the perfect step up in performance that allowed improved speeds, acceleration and moderate torque increases without forcing any extra chassis beef ups.

This is the ideal time to open up communication channels with nearby experienced mechanics. Join local car or jeep clubs, join the nearest MVPA chapter. Everyone in this hobby wants you to succeed and will help you out.

Start a project log or notebook. Keep track of issues you find during the pre resto operational period. Keep track of parts you will need. Make a plan, decide just how much resto you want to do and just how stock or modified you want to go.

When the teardown starts get a decent digital camera (not an Iphone) and take plenty of photos as you pull it apart. Make notes and drawings where re-assembly may prove difficult later. We Have a "Project Following Page" you can use to show your progress. Make sure you separate your progress reports from your technical questions and parts needs by making the entries on the appropriate forums. Tech question on the "Technical Forum", Parts Wanted on the "Wanted Forum" etc.

Welcome aboard.
Wes K
45 MB, 51 M38, 54 M37, 66 M101A1, 60 CJ5, 76 DJ5D, 47Bantam T3-C & 5? M100

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