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Willys M Jeeps Forums :: View topic - Publications Needed
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Publications Needed

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Joined: Apr 04, 2005
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Location: Wisconsin

PostPosted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 12:36 pm    Post subject: Publications Needed Reply with quote

Ryan and I are trying to make available on this web site for free as many of the M series Willys jeeps publications as possible. If any of you have any pubs not listed as already in our possesion in the list below please let us know. It would be great if you could scan them at about 300 DPI for written only pages and 600 DPI for photo pages and email them to me Wes K or Ryan Miller or put them on a CD and mail it to us. Email us for our snail mail addres. Anyone wishing to help out further by converting their pub to PDF will certainly be welcome. I will maintain a current pub listing here on this post. Please email us direct with your info. We can also take your original paper pub on loan to scan it and return it to you. The list below is posted as an excel file on our Yahoo Group at:

Type Publication Publication Date Have Paper CY Have JPEG Scan Have PDF Doc Posted to Site Orig Prov By Scan By PDF By Date to Site

MWO ORD G1- Modification Work Order (MWO) Ordnance General
MWO ORD G1-W50 M38/M38A1/M38A1C Anchoring pax seat Yes
MWO ORD G1-W43 M38/M38A1 Removal of rear axle lube fitting Yes
MWO ORD G1-W88 M38/M38A1/M38A1C/M170 Clutch release rod mod Yes
MWO ORD G1-W94 MB/GPW/M38 . Installation of 105-mm Rifle M27A1 with 105-mm rifle mount M75A1 or 106-mm rifle M40 (M170E1) with 106-mm rifle mount M79. NEED
MWO ORD G1-W104 M38/M38A1/M38A1C/M170 Alteration of wiring harness used with switch 7729684 (Bendix 2 plug) to make them applicable to switch 7368702 (Bendix 1 plug). NEED
MWO ORD G1-W105 M38/M38A1/M38A1C/M170. Installation of Radio Power Feed Kit. NEED
MWO ORD G1-W108. Removal of 300 Ohm fixed resistor from generator regulator assembly 8699744 (100 amp system). NEED

MWO ORD G740- Modification Work Order (MWO) Ordnance M38
MWO ORD G740-W1 M38 Relocte bottom circuit breaker Yes
MWO ORD G740-W2 M38 Deactivate primer pump Yes
MWO ORD G740-W3 M38 Install baffle in rear axle vent Yes
MWO ORD G740-W4 M38 Prevent mud from entering bell housing Yes
MWO ORD G740-W5 M38 Add ignition on/off plate Yes
MWO ORD G740-W6 M38 Reinforcement of body rear corners Yes
MWO ORD G740-W7 M38 Addition of front hub oil seals Yes
MWO ORD G740-W8 Normal M38 Addition of angle brckt on batt hold-down Yes
MWO ORD G740-W8 Urgent M38 Prevent shorting at batt hold-down. Yes
MWO ORD G740-W9 M38 Steer gear water proofing and draining Yes
MWO ORD G740-W9 Chg 1 Yes
MWO ORD G740-W10 M38 Pax seat pivot pin retainers Yes
MWO ORD G740-W11 M38 AC generator kit installation 100 Amp Yes
MWO ORD G740-W11 Chg 1 NEED

MWO ORD G747- Modification Work Order (MWO) Ordnance M100 Trlr
MWO ORD G747-W1 M100 Shock replacement Yes

TB 9-804- Technical Bulletin Supplement to TM 9-804 (M38 Maint)
TB 9-804-3 M38 Shackle pin clip replacement Yes
TB 9-804-5 M38 Thermostat retainer Yes
TB 9-804-6 M38 Vapor lock fuel line change Yes
TB 9-804-7 M38 vent line clip Yes
TB 9-804-8 M38 Transfer case noise Yes
TB 9-804-9 M38 Trailer plug receptacle repositioning Yes
TB 9-804-10 M38 Engine hood sharp edge hazard Yes
TB 9-804-11 M38 Fuel pump diaphragm Yes
TB 9-804-12 M38 Right front wheel rubbing Yes
TB 9-804-13 M38 fuel tank vent line chaffing Yes
TB 9-804-14 M38 speedometer flex shaft ID Yes

TB 9-804A- Technical Bulletin Supplement to TM 9-804 (M38A1)
TB 9-804A-1 M38A1 Wiring harness slack removal Yes
TB 9-804A-2 M38A1 Front spring rebound clip interference with tierod Yes

TB 9- Technical Bulletin Supplement to TM 9-XXXX
TB 9-2300-228-20 M gage troubleshooting Yes
TB 9-2855-2 M38 Gas fired heater Yes
TB 9-2855-3 M38 powerplant heater Yes
TB 9-2855-4 M38 Arctic top Yes
TB 9-2855-37 M38 Hot water heater Yes
TB 9-2855-43 M38A1 hot water heater Yes

TB ORD Technical Bulletin Ordnance
TB ORD 554 M38/M38A1/M38A1C/M170 Bellhousing drain removal Yes
TB ORD 560 M38/M38A1 Data plate tire pressure change Yes
TB ORD 570 MB/GPW/M38/M38A1 Use of front axle non driving flanges Yes
TB ORD 610 M38/M38A1/M38A1C/M170 Operation of fording valve Yes
TB ORD 621 MB/GPW/M38/M38A1 Tandem hitch installation Yes
TB ORD 635 M38/M38A1/M38A1C Gas tank rust prevention Yes
TB ORD 1007 M38/M38A1/M38A1C/M170 Reinforce clutch release fork Yes

MS24538 Oil pressure transmitter 60 PSI Yes
MS53048 Wiper blades Yes
MS53049 Wiper Arms Yes
MS75058 Slave receptacle 2 pin. Yes

Kit Installation Instructions:
ORD # 5701813 M38 engine primer UNK Yes Harold West
ORD # 7358725 M38A1 Gas heater PM 1571 Feb-53 Yes
USMC # 5005-1 M38A1/M38A1C/M170 Lifting shackle mod UNK Yes

Special Service Manuals:
ORD # 7700201 South Wind Model 978 Gas Heater PM 6348 Mar-53 Yes

Technical Manuals M38

Willys Maintenance Manual for Willys Model MC-38 Pilot Vehicles Undated Yes Yes Yes Yes Wes Knettle Ryan Miller Ryan Miller
TM 9-804 Maintenance & Operation (Early version) 29-Sep-50 Yes CD, NEEDpaper cy.
TM 9-804 Change 1 16-Feb-51 NEED
TM 9-804 Change 2 18-May-51 NEED
TM 9-804 Change 3 10-Apr-53 NEED
TM 9-1804A Ord Maint Engine & Clutch 12-Jan-56 Yes
TM 9-1804B Ord Maint Power Train, Body & Frame 16-Jul-52 Yes
TM 9-8012 Maintenance & Operation (Late Version) 12-Jan-56 Yes
TM 9-8012 Change 1 22-Mar-56 NEED paper cy
TM 9-8012 Change 2 13-Jan-58 NEED paper cy
TM 9-8012 Change 3 18-Jun-58 NEED paper cy

Technical Manuals M38A1/M38A1C/M38A1D/M170

TM 9-804A Maintenance & Operation (Early Version) 21-Jul-52 Yes Yes Yes CD Wes Knettle NEED Paper cy
TM 9-804A Change 1 20-Apr-53 NEED
TM 9-8014 Maintenance & Operation (Late Version) 6-Apr-55 Yes
TM 9-8014 Change 1 5-Jun-56 NEED paper cy
TM 9-8014 Change 2 23-Dec-57 NEED paper cy
TM 9-8014 Change 3 19-Jun-58 NEED paper cy
TM 9-8014 Change 4 11-Dec-59 NEED paper cy
TM 9-8014 Change 5 7-Mar-60 NEED paper cy
TM 9-8014 Change 6 12-Jun-63 NEED paper cy
TM 9-8014 Change 7 7-Sep-73 NEED paper cy
TM 9-8014 Change 8 7-Sep-73 NEED paper cy
TM 9-8015-1 Ord Maint Engine & Clutch 8-Mar-54 Yes CD, NEED paper cy
TM 9-8015-1 Change 1 11-Apr-55 NEED paper cy
TM 9-8015-2 Ord Maint Powertrain, Body & Frame 2-Aug-54 Yes
TM 9-8015-2 Change 1 12-Nov-54 NEED paper cy
TM 9-8015-2 Change 2 15-Apr-55 NEED paper cy
TM 9-8015-2 Change 3 21-Sep-66 NEED paper cy
TM 9-2320-208-ESC/1 Equip Servicability Criteria M38A1 2-Jun-64 NEED
TM 9-2320-208-ESC/1 Change 1 UNK NEED
TM 9-2320-208-ESC/2 Equip Servicability Criteria M38A1C & M38A1D 3-Jun-64 NEED
TM 9-2320-208-ESC/2 Equip Servicability Criteria M38A1C & M38A1D UNK NEED
TM 9-2320-208-ESC/3 Equip Servicability Criteria M170 30-Dec-65 NEED
TM 9-2320-208-ESC/3 Equip Servicability Criteria M170 UNK NEED
TM 9-2320-208-ESC Equip Servicability Crit M38A1/A1C/A1D/M170 13-May-69 NEED

Technical Manuals General Information & Subjects

TM 9-1825A Delco Electrical Components(No 24VJeep)(Replc By TM 9-8627) 12-Jan-44 Yes
TM 9-1825A Change 1 31-Mar-47 NEED
TM 9-1825B Auto-Lite Electrical Components (No 24 V jeep) 20-Jan-44 Yes
TM 9-1825B Auto-Lite Electrical Components (Includes 24 V Jeep) 3-Nov-52 Yes
TM 9-1826A Carter Carbs 11-Feb-44 Yes
TM 9-1826A Carter Carbs (includes YS637S M38 No YS950S M38A1) 10-Dec-52 Yes
TM 9-1827C Wagner Lockheed Hydraulic Brakes(MB/GPW) 21-Jan-44 Yes
TM 9-1827C Wagner Lockheed Hydraulic Brakes(MB/GPW/M38/M38A1) 2-Jan-53 Yes
TM 9-1828A Fuel Pumps(No M38/M38A1 pumps) 9-Mar-45 Yes
TM 9-1828A Fuel Pumps(Includes M38/M38A1 pumps) 29-Dec-52 Yes
TM 9-1828A Change 1 UNK NEED
TM 9-1828A Change 2 UNK NEED
TM 9-1829A Ord Maint Speedos, Tachs & Recorders 15-Apr-44 CD, NEED paper cy
TM 9-2853 Deep Water Fording 7-Jul-45 Yes
TM 9-2853 Change 1 7-Jun-48 NEED
TM 9-2858 Ord Maint Cooling Systems 8-May-45 Yes
TM 9-2858 Change 1 Unk NEED
TM 9-2858 Change 2 Unk NEED
TM 9-8627 Ord Maint Delco Electrical Components Jun-53 Yes
TM 10-500-10 Airdrop Of Equip Riging 1/4 ton trucks 11-Aug-65
TM 10-500-10 Change 1 UNK NEED
TM 10-500-10 Airdrop Of Equip Rigging 1/4 ton trucks 29-Jan-71 Yes
Wes K
45 MB, 51 M38, 54 M37, 66 M101A1, 60 CJ5, 76 DJ5D, 47Bantam T3-C & 5? M100

Mjeeps photo album:

Last edited by wesk on Sat Dec 01, 2012 9:23 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 8:41 am    Post subject: Manuals Reply with quote

Maybe you could borrow some of the downloads at the web site. They have all the M38 & M38A1 manuals in the tech library in the miscellanious section. There are alot of t=other articals there in other sections.
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Joined: Jun 07, 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

A bunch of those TM 9-8014 changes can be found here

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 9:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have downloaded every manual from that web site in the last 3 years. Most are in good shape and readable. Where I have marked "Need" paper cy I want an original paper copy published by Uncle Sam for my collection. In some cases these original paper copies I find have much better quality graphics and illustrations. When I get a new original paper copy and it has better views then my JPEG or PDF copies then I replace the PDF on our downloads page with the better copy I would have just scanned.

What I am asking for is a communication of some kind via this web site or my email from folks that possess these documents in any form that I have listed as "need" or "do not have" and converse with them to see if they have what I am looking for and how I can obtain it. Also if a member downloads a PDF manual from our web site and later finds a better copy then let us know. Or, better yet send us a copy.

The whole idea here is to have a web site that offers all our members all the information they need about Willys Military Post WWII jeeps and keep the price "FREE

Our small staff (4 bodies I think) stays quite busy running the web site and rounding up the info, manuals and etc. So if one of you stumbles upon a rare MWO or TB which are usually about 2 to 5 pages then why not do a quality scan of it at 300 or better in color and email us a copy we can load up.

For example: Last month I stumbled across a beautiful clean original Ross Steering Gear Service and Overhaul manual. I bought it off ebay for $15 and as soon as it got here I scanned it, converted it to PDF and loaded it on the site. This was the very first time I have ever seen this manual and I have been working on Ross gear boxes since 1970. In my own way Iam simply paying my dues for enjoying the use of this web site and being able to benefit from the great wealth of knowledge that is shared here every day. Wink
Wes K
45 MB, 51 M38, 54 M37, 66 M101A1, 60 CJ5, 76 DJ5D, 47Bantam T3-C & 5? M100

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PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2013 9:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


I have two manuals that you are searching for:

TM 9-8015-1 Ord Maint Engine & Clutch 8-Mar-54 Yes CD NEED paper cy

TM 9-1829A Ord Maint Speedos, Tachs & Recorders 15-Apr-44 CD, NEED paper cy

How do I send you?
Alexandre BRAZIL
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 6:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

New to the site, however I cant find the copy of TM 9-1825B or TM 9-2853 in the downloads. Am I missing something?
Thanks in advance
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 8:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

TM 9-1825B Autolite Electrical Component Manual is loaded by applicable chapters to our equipment. This is a large manual and has a low priority for scanning chapters not applicable to our Jeeps equipment.

You can download the entire 112Meg file here:

TM 9-2853 is a retired document which was superceded by TM 9-238 Deep Water Fording of Ordnance Material. It is a very general manual and the best info it offers is the kit listings by vehicle.

You can download it Here free:
Wes K
45 MB, 51 M38, 54 M37, 66 M101A1, 60 CJ5, 76 DJ5D, 47Bantam T3-C & 5? M100

Mjeeps photo album:
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