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M38 Glove Box Inside Panels
M38a1 rear transfer case yoke bolts
T-90 gear condition w/photos
M38 top starter bolt
Bumper numbers M38
Wanted: M38 dash light assembly.
Radios in old building
Need better brakes on my 1953 M38A1
Ramsey NOS winch for sale.

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Willys M Jeeps: M38

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A 52 M38CDN that my son will tell his kids about.
M38 johnsfind53 writes:
As a lineman for Atlantic Canada I beat many miles of road, always looking for treasures in someones field. Late, headed for the office, Being bad ( driving while talking on the phone) I drove past the road for the highway. "oh well, guess I can pick up the highway in Salsbury". Only one problem, the other two trucks followed me. As I was slowing for an intersection, it caught the corner of my eye. "Hmmm, a Jeep,, ah likely and old CJ5,, what do I want that for,, carry on". Got to the highway and couldn't stand it, I had to look. Back I went, "holy crap,a flat fender" price was on the windshield, a fair one but more than I was interested in spending, but for that year was it ever in good shape. Faded red, two spots where someone decided to hide a dent with filler, a patch on the floor under it the dummy didn't fix the hat channel, but that's it for body work. Mechanicly,, it's all there, except for the winch.
Posted by Ryan on Saturday, April 11 @ 14:10:57 UTC (11246 reads)
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M38 Jeeps in Japan circa 1953
M38’s in Japan 1953

Written by Jim Kelley

Restoring my M38 brought back some memories of an old friend of mine from the Artillery school at Fort Sill, OK. In talking to him I told him I had purchased an M38 Jeep and was restoring it. He said he thought he was driving an M38 while stationed in Japan in 1953.

He mailed me some photos ....
Posted by Ryan on Saturday, April 01 @ 17:20:15 UTC (21914 reads)
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